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Before your Session



Newborn sessions should be scheduled within the first 14 days of life. However, the BEST time is between 5-14 days after their arrival. In order to get those adorable, sleepy images we all desire, it’s best to do the session while your baby is still unaware and tired from birth. Plus, babies just tend to do a lot better with the session within their first 7 days. Around 8 days old, babies figure out that they can streeeeetch out and it’s more difficult to get them into those scrunchy newborn poses. After day 14, it’s almost impossible to get baby into that deep sleep that came so easily in their first few days. And, keep in mind that newborn acne (and sometimes colic) is likely to flare up after day 14. While I can edit problem areas, I prefer to do as little retouching as possible to baby’s skin.


Session are held at our in home studio at 3813 Wesley Ridge Drive, Apex NC 27539.  We have converted a room on the second floor into a studio space.  We can come to your home as well for special circumstances.  Please contact us for more information if you would like us to come to your home. 


The room we will photograph the session in is kept at around 85 degrees to keep baby comfortable.  Please wear something light and comfortable for most of the session.  If you are taking pictures with your new little one please come dressed how you would like to be in the photos.  We always take family images first if there are siblings so they are able to leave with someone after about the first 30 minutes since the session space will not accommodate a large group.  We do keep a chair in the hall for you to sit in where it is much cooler.  Mom or dad are also welcome to say in the living area while we work.  


There are a few things you can do to help before you arrive.  Please be sure to put baby in a loose fitting outfit the day of their session.  Also, loosen his or her diaper to relieve the red marks a diaper can leave.  Keep your little one awake for 1-2 hours before the session start time to ensure they will be sleepy when they arrive.   A fed baby is a happy baby.  Please feed your little one right before you arrive, doing it when you first arrive is also a great option. Please bring a pacifier with you, even if baby isn’t a regular user of them.  This helps tremendously with soothing, if even just for the session time. If you do all of this your session should go smoothly, bearing baby has no other conditions that may make them uncomfortable.

THE 3 Ps:

The 3 P’s – Patience, Poo and Props.  Please be patient, as some session can take 2-4 hours.  You can just sit back and relax in the quite while I work.  Poo sometimes happens.  It is all part of the process so please don’t worry if your little one pees or poops on any of the sets or props.  We incorporate props into all of our session so if you have something special you would like to include in your session please let us know ahead of time and we will be sure to incorporate it into one of your sets.  

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